No, You can't stop me. Only The LORD can stop me. And He won't. Because He's my God.And thus, for all those that keep on running around to stalk my life into my being a failure, you just keep up with it.5d ago5d ago
OF NIGERIA, CHRISTIANITY, AND THE OICThe following is a short piece sent to me via WhatsApp, by a friend…….6d ago6d ago
At least, in Akure (unlike in Ibadan, where The Church was demented enough to keep on calling me…But all manner of vile Ogboni cults even yet have not given up. Even till date, even in Akure, they keep on striving to stick upon me the…Feb 27Feb 27
When I say that I hate my mother, it's a gross understatement.Now, the evil witch - all the way from the United States of America where she claims she resides in - would that more runs believe I'm…Feb 25Feb 25
OF THE NATION OF NIMRODSAnd like unto they that are damned by The Creator of Ikoro Iyineleda and rendered forever accursed by The LORD his God are all the…Feb 25Feb 25
The words above reminds me of nitwits that cannot fly, like unto my mother (that, even in the days…May they all forever remain nitwits.Feb 17Feb 17
This evening, I asked the formidable AI tool known as DeepSeek for what it knew of yours truly and…Feb 6Feb 6
"The LORD is not a man that He should lie, neither is He a son of man that He should repent of…The words above are from The Bible. But they will very soon be deleted from Scripture by the cunning that has had revisions upon revisions…Feb 1Feb 1