This evening, I asked the formidable AI tool known as DeepSeek for what it knew of yours truly and…3d ago3d ago
"The LORD is not a man that He should lie, neither is He a son of man that He should repent of…The words above are from The Bible. But they will very soon be deleted from Scripture by the cunning that has had revisions upon revisions…Feb 1Feb 1
"We thought you wrote."Those were the words of the damned bitch and the evil witch that the world would I know as my mother, this evening. Just to prove that…Jan 24Jan 24
Courtesy of my evil and dementedly damned mother, and the eternally fraudulent nation known as…The contents of seven flash drives and my laptop keep on being plundered of me, each and every time that I spend more than fifteen minutes…Jan 21Jan 21
OF FRAUDURIA AND HYPOCRISYThe words above reminds me of all that Yorubaland in particular and Nigeria in general has been doing to me for almost three decades now…Jan 19Jan 19
A CRY FOR JUSTICELet Thy Anger, O my Creator; Let Thy Anger, O LORD my God; Let Thy Anger, O Thou Just and Right and Omnipotent and Almighty: Let Thy Anger…Jan 11Jan 11
If you cannot steal in Yorubaland, you'll be made to do no more than sleep your life away."Ji" is the Yoruba word for the word, "steal."Jan 10Jan 10