A Word From Ikoro Iyineleda: Of The Serpent That Jesus Christ Is
And therefore, The Subtilty of Serpentine Cunning with which Jesus Christ and his Church have for decades been waging war upon me and mine now is said to have (tonight) had The LORD “riled into pronouncing curse upon curse upon Ikoro Iyineleda?!” Even as it sought a way with which to have it be said, that “The LORD swore in His Wrath” (whilst I was living in Mato, during the year 2019) that I will die a death as Nothing being burnt by Fire?! That the sum may be then made this night, that I will just keep on suffering in vain?!
I Laugh in Masculinism.
A sum has been made, that is a year or so old; of the reason victory for me is certain………
“Unless The Holy Bible is a Lie.”
My own sum of the reason I am in all its entirety certain I even despite all will either conquer, and overcome, and attain victory; or I will even if I don’t, even then will; still is…….
“unless there never has been either righteousness, or good.”
And therefore, the Word of thy Saviour to thee, O ye Christians; that thou all should “be wise as serpents;” should better be re-written in The Only Truthful Version of The Holy Bible, as:
“be wise as serpents, for I am The Serpent.”
Because I wonder how the innocence of any dove can be any other thing but Guilt, if it can be justified only by the wisdom known ever since The Fall of Eden as The Cunning of The Serpent.
There is a “Dotun” even till this very second (as far as I know) being burnt as Nothing in Fire, ever since the last few months of mine at Mato — and obviously justifying not only that which I say IS thy Saviour, but that also which I have for years insisted of Gods and Lords and righteousness and good.
And thus I need no other justification for The Judgment I have long-since given over The Church, that;
“Thou wilt leave thy Name to my chosen for a Curse,
and The LORD GOD will slay thee.”
This Judgment obviously was given due to thee, O ye being Jesus; on the very day that thou became “the God beloved by women;” ever since the very day Eve fell to The Subtilty of Cunning with which thou being The Serpent won her heart.
“he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
I have had cause to begin to recite, as a part of my daily prayers; the wards,
“Ojo ti adura emi o ba nse
ti Were Ode gbe si’po Hannah,
boya ori e a wa pe
ju t’oni lo
ni ojo on na.”
I believe in all its entirety that my life is not the first occasion of a man’s being in such a position. But I do also believe, that the first instance was not due to The Mad Folly of men placing a man in such a position — that eventually had him say,
“I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue.”
That a woman could open her mouth to say (on the 14th of February of this year; whilst I ke, and ki, and kilo in prayer at Iwo Road’s Abe Bridge in Ibadan) that the day the head of all men becomes correct enough to be healed of its Mad Folly, and to therefore begin to kill all witches; is the only day it can be certain that Ikoro Iyineleda will not die “a most gruesome” death: then a fourth sum may be made by this ward, that;
the only difference between the wars waged by David (and Mohammed) and the wars waged by Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler; the only difference between wars waged for Caesar and wars waged for The LORD: is the sole reason behind the Law laid by Moses, when he saith;
“Thou shalt not permit a sorceress to live.”
Even as I said, years ago; and when then not with as much of the filthy rags of age that has me Laugh off The Mad Fools (regardless of how young, or how old; regardless of how obviously wealthy, or how apparently poverty-stricken) that even now know not yet enough to begin to say,
“A ja’le bara;”
and that even now believe I even yet will some day, one day look back (as did the wife of Lot) even so saith I today,
“The world has always been ruled by women, ever since the Tower of Mabel began to be built — ever since Eve hearkened unto the voice of the serpent. The world has always been ruled by women, as surely as the hand it is that rules the gun with which it wields.”
Every man too blind to be ruled by any other but The Breasts of Lie Lie is always ruled by a woman; be the woman ruling as his Mummy Mary, or as his Mama Sarah, or as his Iya Jezebel.
I have been repeating due to thee, O Woman; and for almost a year now, even if not much more:
“Emi o wi eleyi fun e
titi osu August t’odun t’oni:
lo so fun iya e
k’o wa kunle li’waju mi
pelu ekun,
boya ma wa ro ti e.
Ti o ba wa kunle li’waju mi
pelu ekun
titi osu August t’odun t’oni;
ito li emi o ma tu si oju re
nibikibi ti mba ti ri -
b’o je pelu enu mi,
b’o je pelu okan mi.
Even as I have on occasions said, those wards are not due to any death penalty I have waiting in store for thee; even though they do take into cognizance the “ilukulu” with which I would thou prove thou has more common sense than a goat, even. However, that I rose from sleep this morning (a few minutes before 2 AM) only to find out that The Serpent (unto whose word only thou obviously hearkens, ever since the days of Eve; and whose ever increasingly justifiable denial by me had thee say (to the hearing of how many? at Abe Bridge, in Ibadan’s Iwo Road) that every witch living in this generation will rather die, than that I keep on with that denial) had it be also, that it be placed on record that The LORD was “riled into pronouncing curse upon curse upon Ikoro Iyineleda;” then I will have to say here today that the death sentence I would rather not judge thee with has had thee condemned ever since the days of Moses.
“Thou shall not permit a sorceress to live.”
I am neither under the authority of a Jezebel, nor under the authority of a Mary — even if she be the Sarah Mas-heating me out to the sharks. And there is no quantity or measure of The Mad Folly of men that will have me hearken unto the authority of any of the three.
— Ikoro Iyineleda; Being Baara of a generation called Bastard (16th of February, 2020).