Courtesy of my evil and dementedly damned mother, and the eternally fraudulent nation known as Nigeria (with its murderous Buccaneers Confraternity, its thieving Eiye Confraternity, its slimy Ogboni, and the deliriously ignoble Yoruba tribe in particular) it appears as though all the records that would prove I ever existed are being gradually wiped out - with all the cunning of the serpents that all these shameless scavengers are.
The contents of seven flash drives and my laptop keep on being plundered of me, each and every time that I spend more than fifteen minutes away from my home in Akure. While so many of my certificates have been stolen that - not only is both my NIN slip and the affidavit with which I changed my name from Adedotun Sanda to Ikoro Iyineleda missing - I am even laughed off on Nigerian social media platforms as not having even a birth certificate.
And to prove how fanatically desperate this evil is to wipe out all evidence of its ever having wreaked such evil, even electronic gadgets of mine (like unto Blackberry phones of mine, most especially) that have been lying damaged in my room in my father's house at Ibadan, have been repaired, behind my back, whilst I have been at Akure - that the evil may have other means with which to decipher how to plunder of me, and how to destroy my life.
As though that were not enough, I was at the NIN office at Akure today, only to be told that there are no records in their system of anyone bearing the name Ikoro Diamond Darieleda Iyineleda - which is that which I changed my name to, after I renounced the name Adedotun Sanda that I was given by a shamelessly cowardly family.
If that is not fishy - as the name on the NIN slip stolen from my house is Ikoro Diamond Darieleda Iyineleda - then I wonder what can be fishy in eternally dishonest Nigeria.
- Ikoro Iyineleda; 21st of January, 2025.