Ikoro Iyineleda
Aug 31, 2023

May all those working at the satchet water factory of Professor Ilori be with absolutely no hope of redemption accursed, for turning my home and my rooms into their property each time I step out of my house.

And may the mother of mine that gives these stalkers the keys to my abode be equally accursed for thereby turning my home into a public property.

Also, may all those monitoring my movements in the accursed land of Ibadan via the most relentless stalking be just as accursed, for the most obvious of all reasons.

By The Grace of my Creator. In The Name of The LORD.

Ikoro Iyineleda
Ikoro Iyineleda

Written by Ikoro Iyineleda

writer, intellectual, chartered accountant - in view, consultant psychiatrist - in view, professor in Psychiatry - in the making.

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