Ikoro Iyineleda
2 min readOct 10, 2023

My Creator has taken His Place in The Divine


in The Midst of The Gods He holds judg-

“How long will You judge unjustly

and show partiality to the wicked?

Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;

maintain the right of the afflicted and the


Rescue the weak and the needy;

deliver them from the hand of the


They have neither knowledge nor under-

they walk about in darkness;

all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

I say, “You are Gods,

Sons of The Most High, All of You;

nevertheless, You — You that bastard

that has been laughing ka! ka! ka!

What has Ikoro become in life?

You that bastard

that has been laughing ka! ka! ka!

Why is Ikoro still praying?

He should just go to sleep.

You that bastard

that has been laughing ka! ka! ka!

and insisting that you don’t want Ikoro

to even marry.

You that bastard

that has been laughing ka! ka! ka!

and having all manner of wretched

men, and women, and children

throw their farts into the abode
of Ikoro.

You that bastard

that has been laughing ka! ka! ka!

and bringing all manner of wretched men, and women, and children over

to rape Ikoro whilst he is

You that bastard

that has been laughing ka! ka! ka!

and insisting in fury that

You’ll keep on scourging


You that bastard of a lunatic that

to prove what sort of a lunatic You


it is of those that You have been urging

to rape Ikoro

that You are now urging to take

to a mental asylum —

You shall die like men,

and fall like any prince.”

Arise, O my Creator, judge the earth;

for to Thee belong all Masculinism!

Ikoro Iyineleda

writer, intellectual, chartered accountant - in view, consultant psychiatrist - in view, professor in Psychiatry - in the making.