People who leave messages on Facebook to loved ones in Heaven invariably say: “Wish you were here!” Never “Wish I were there!”
— Thomas Cole.
Interesting. You may say that they’re saying, whether or not they know it:
“Wish you were here in certainty;”
rather than,
“Wish I were there in uncertainty.”
Were they to know enough of the uncertainty, they may be then able to make the choice that till then would have them wonder — if they could — that which had Moses leave the world with an exultation called The Song of Moses, whilst Jesus on his own part left the world with a titleless lamentation that had him cry out with the words:
“My God! My God!
Why hast Thou forsaken me?”
Even should it be true that Jesus Christ has been dead since the year 2000 AD, at the very least; and therefore is not then by Ikoro Iyineleda deemed Accursed by the ward,
“Be Accursed, O Christ;
and may The Name of The LORD have absolutely nothing more to do with thee:”
I will advise Christians all over this generation to for their own sake begin to cry out with the words,
“My God! My God!
I have forsaken Thee!”
— Ikoro Iyineleda; 18th of December, 2021.