Questions Upon Questions
No one will tell you.
— one of The Adversary, over a decade ago.
You will never know.
— one of The Adversary, over a decade ago.
The following is one of the wards of mine that have been deleted from my Facebook account, in the bid of The Adversary to conceal what is most probably the most grievous atrocity that has ever been conceived by the hearts of men……….
Even this very night, and at this very moment, there are a bunch of riff-raff nuisances that have gathered in my neighbourhood — all in the name of running a night-club, all with the aim of ruining my life; and partly with the vile noise with which they announce to all and sundry of the steps they have again taken to destroy my life. And they do all this, supposedly (according to that which they brag of to the neighbourhood, with the aid of public address systems) on the basis that they’re errand boys for the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) that is supposed to be hell-bent on destroying my life, all because I have renounced the Order. Had I not known the claim to be a big, fat lie (and another example of the fake news against which Professor Wole Soyinka often speaks) I would instantly now as a matter of duty renounce the Order. For every Rosicrucian with a conscience has a moral obligation to renounce the Order — if the only reason behind all the sufferings, the trials, the afflictions, and the tribulations that I have been through in life is that I renounced the Order. But, that is by the way. What I keep on wondering is this: Why is the Order so silent over this issue of riff-raffs using its name to perpetuate such heinous and vile atrocities?
- Ikoro Iyineleda; November, 2020.