The Sanda/Bammeke/Ikadan/Frauduria’s War On The Intellectual Vis-A-Vis The Nigerian Banking System: Epitomes Of Anti-Ikoro, Epitomes Of Anti-Masculinism, Epitomes Of Anti-Righteousness, Epitomes Of Gross Irresponsibility
On the third of September of this year 2020, I was granted an unconditional offer of a place in the Master of Business Administration programme of the University of Suffolk.
Immediately, then, The Adversary swung into action. I must not be eventually granted the admission. I must not be able to accept the offer. I must be known throughout life as a failure, parading no more than a Third Class degree from the Obafemi Awolowo University: despite having passed the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board entrance examinations into Nigerian universities three times, in a country where the vast majority of students do not scale through it even once; despite having come out tops — with the best results in the 2015/2016 Obafemi Awolowo University class of Financial Management; despite having come out tops — with the second best results for the session in the entrance examinations for post-graduate studies of the Department of Management and Accounting of the only “Great” university in Nigeria, Great Ife; despite having come out tops — with the best results for that session in the entrance examinations for post-graduate studies of the “first and best” university in Nigeria, the University of Ibadan. Despite all these and more, The Adversary has to know me as an olodo that he has all full justification to say unto, “So what has thou now become?” Therefore, he instantly swung into full action.
My course adviser told me that I had five working days from the third of September to accept the unconditional offer granted me by the University of Suffolk. And, of course, this was what The Adversary depended on — that I would not be able to pay, before the transpiration of the deadline, the £115 being the sum given as the deposit needed to be paid to signify my having accepted the offer. Therefore, The Adversary swung into action.
Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc was first to begin the antics of The Adversary, by claiming it could no longer allow me to spend more than the equivalent of $100 with my naira account. Thus, even after I had been able to borrow the naira equivalent of the much-needed £115 from my younger brother within two working days after the unconditional offer of admission was granted, there was no way with which I could pay the deposit into the coffers of UNICAF — UNICAF being the body standing with the University of Suffolk in the delivery of its online programmes.
I went to the Iwo Road branch of Stanbic IBTC Bank, and I discussed the issue with its staff — and I was eventually given the impression by the staff that (to pay the sum) I would need to re-activate my domiciliary account, and buy then the dollars which I was then to pay into the account — this being dollars that would then be used by a dollar Mastercard to pay the school fees. For the domiciliary account was said to have not a limit to its spending.
Obviously, the bank did not realise then that I had the permanent voter’s card needed as an identification with which to re-activate the account. To the dismay of the bank then, I re-activated my domiciliary account, bought the dollars, and paid the money into the account. But the bank was not through with its antics.
I was then told by its staff that it would take five working days before the dollar Mastercard needed for the online transaction that would be used to pay the school fees would be ready.
I went back home and called my course adviser, and he told me to be patient. I waited, and was patient. I was patient, and I waited.
Within five working days after I had applied for it, the dollar Mastercard was ready.
It still is — almost certainly, almost definitely — not functioning, till date.
I went back to the Iwo Road branch of the Stanbic IBTC Bank, this being the branch with which I opened my two accounts with the bank; and I lodged my complaints concerning my dollar Mastercard. I asked why I could not transfer my money straight from my account into the coffers of UNICAF, and I was told that I would need an identity card to do that. Which identity card? An international passport.
No longer the permanent voter’s card. The bank obviously had wisened up, and had learnt a lesson from the permanent voter’s card that they saw I had. And definitely not a national identity card. Definitely not a driver’s licence. Imagine!
Fortunately for me, however; and most unfortunately for The Adversary that is using Stanbic IBTC Bank, I had by then gotten three Zenith Bank Plc account numbers that I was told I could transfer the money to — from my own account: one, a naira account; one, a dollar account; and a final one, a pound account. To now make the transfer into the Zenith Bank account proved impossible without my filling a form that demanded that I provide both the swift code and the sort code of the affected branch of Zenith Bank Plc at Ogba.
You know what banks now are with the corona pandemic? That I did not get to the Iwo Road branch of Zenith Bank Plc (the nearest branch to where I then was) at 6 AM, meant that I would have to wait three or four hours on a queue; before I could get to see the customer care at the branch — that may or may not have supplied then the required codes.
Again fortunately for me, I had to wait just a little over an hour at Zenith Bank Plc before a call I had placed earlier to my course adviser provided the much-needed codes. However, Stanbic IBTC Bank was not through with its antics.
To now make the transfer into one of the Zenith Bank accounts supplied by my course adviser (Nigerian bank accounts, by the way) Stanbic IBTC Bank first had to claim I would need to pay bank charges of almost a hundred dollars. The staff that gave me this figure was reeling out all sorts of charges, and when he got to $65 I cut him short and told him I would rather withdraw all the money I had in my domiciliary account and go and pay the money into the Zenith Bank account by myself. An earlier enquiry had already revealed that transferring the money from my domiciliary account into my naira account was again supposedly impossible. According to the staff of the Iwo Road branch of Stanbic IBTC in Ibadan.
Thus, I withdrew my money and took the dollars to the nearest branch of Zenith Bank Plc, only to have that bank on its own part reject forty out of the $180 that I tendered. Eventually, here, however, I was able to pay $140 into the coffers of UNICAF.
I then had to walk back to Stanbic IBTC Bank and exchange the forty dollars I was given there, for another forty dollars. But the second pair of $20 was again rejected by the Zenith Bank Plc, this time on the silly basis that they on their own part do not accept deposits of less than $100. Eventually, I had to go and sell the forty dollars rejected for the second time that day by Zenith Bank, the second time being on the basis of its being lower than a hundred dollars. The N16,000 I was able to sell it for was what I then had to pay as the balance of the deposit I was to pay the University of Suffolk for my MBA admission. Almost two weeks (on the fourteenth of September, to be precise) after I was offered admission, and I had then began to work towards paying the deposit.
Even then, The Adversary was not through with me — and till date, he most obviously still is not through with me. Rather, he spread his tentacles far and wide to the extent of having UNICAF acknowledge only the latter N16,000 — on the fourteenth of September, and for a couple of more days or so; before the full amount was eventually acknowledged on the sixteenth.
These are the sort of problems I have had that eventually had me drop out of an undergraduate programme at the University of Ilorin before the end of its first session. These are the sort of problems I have had that eventually had me unable to begin a Master of Business Administration programme at the Obafemi Awolowo University, even after I had scaled through its entrance examinations with the second position. These are the sort of problems I have had that has had me drop out of a Master of Business Administration programme at the University of Ibadan School of Business — even after I had gained admission into the programme with the very best results in its entrance examination. These are the sort of problems that has me say that Ibadan, and Nigeria (along with the country’s banking system) is waging a war that has neither regard for education nor even for the intellect, on an intellectual.
But why do I mention also the Sandas and the Bammekes?
Because (despite the fact that it was my younger brother — a Sanda — that lent me the money with which I was able to pay my £115 deposit) it was another sibling also, and most obviously, that used her tentacles to bear on Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc; that the bank then may provide the type of hurdles it did before I was able to get my deposit paid. And it was a Bammeke (almost definitely my mother, Folashade Sanda; almost certainly my mother, Folashade Sanda) that used her tentacles to delay the acknowledgment by UNICAF, of the sum I paid for my school deposit.
Where other mothers, and fathers also (happy that their children have obtained a first degree) are ready to sponsor the said children to a Masters, or even a doctorate level; this same woman it is that has been working against my obtaining a post-graduate qualification, ever since I graduated from the Obafemi Awolowo University twenty-two years ago — and against my even obtaining a gainful employment ever since then. A most typical example of gross irresponsibility.
This same Bammeke it is that (along with my father, an Ogboni; along with my step-brothers, Adeola Sanda and Adebayo Sanda; along with the Ogboni community of Ikadanland; and along with the Christian community that ever hearkens unto her word) have been destroying — often with fire — words and writings that are sons unto me.
The following are some of the statements they have made concerning the burning of these wards and writings…..
My mother: They said I should burn all of them.
My father, whilst speaking to my younger brother on the phone — the same younger brother that lent me the money I have spoken of: I’m just burning the ones that can implicate me.
Adeola Sanda: I said I will burn all of them.
Adebayo Sanda: Now that we have destroyed some of them, what are you going to do? You’ll just place another one on the internet that we’ll delete.
But The Adversary is cunning, and not merely. They don’t just burn, and not merely some of them. Often, they have deleted wards that I have placed on the world wide web. And the destruction by fire and the deletion of these wards and writings is not just to cripple my ministry, it is not just to cripple my memory of the persecution; but it is to plunder me also of these sons of mine — for, very often, those that claim to burn and delete have copies with the educated amongst them that they intend to (or that they do) claim they it was that wrote. Thus, illiterates of the cunning Adversary would often have me know,
“They’ve begun to write your books.”
And those of the wards and the writings that have been burnt have actually been burnt as sacrifices, even as the pictures above will reveal; in rituals by illiterates striving with all the spiritual power they can gather to destroy my ministry.
Thus, the war that the Sandas and the Bammekes (along with the land of Ibadan, and the nation of Nigeria) have waged upon me — a war that has had them all turn my life into not only a reality television derision show, but a reality television dissection show also that they use to better their lives to the detriment of mine. Because, when both the privacy and the personal space of a man has been placed under such monitoring and surveillance like unto that which mine has been placed under, how then is he to become absolutely anything substantially worthwhile in life? Even corporate entities are entitled to privacy and personal space that is protected by Law as corporate secrets, or trade secrets. But, I? Every little step I make, every little step I take; all is scrutinised, analysed, denigrated, and mocked — even on radio and television stations!
And, as though all that were not enough (when it is seen that I appear to be able to do something about not only the crippling and the destruction of my life; but the crippling, and the plundering also, and the destruction too, of the sons of mine that are my words and my writings) the family of Cain that is the Sandas and the Bammekes gather its resources together, kidnap me, and have me locked up — almost always, in Dr Victor Lasebikan’s lunatic asylum; called the New World Specialist Hospital. The last time this occurred, the incarceration was for almost two months; and it ended up having me be plundered of three flash drives full of my wards and my writings — after the door to my apartment was left open by those that broke it to have me be kidnapped by Dr Victor Lasebikan’s goons and hoodlums.
Already, the “deranged” father (Professor Akinade Olumuyiwa Sanda) is already threatening to kidnap me and have me be locked up in Dr Lasebikan’s hospital once again. And, before then, the old witch of a mother had threatened that the incarceration will be for life. Obviously due to my latest triumph — the granting of an admission into the Master of Business Administration programme of the University of Suffolk. For, I must not be a Masters degree graduate — even as they afflicted me into dropping out of an undergraduate programme at the University of Ilorin that would have given me a degree in English Language. Even as they now have afflicted me into dropping out of the Master of Business Administration programme of the University of Ibadan School of Business. Every triumph has to be followed by an imprisonment in a lunatic asylum that cripples the triumph. Even as the equivalent of two or three books of mine have been burnt by those that destroy my children to cripple my triumphs. The family of Judas Iscariots, along with a nation of Cains, is striving to prove its being in all its entirety worthy of the name I have bestowed upon it…….
Murderers also, considering the fact that the electro-convulsive shock therapy is the distinguishing feature of Dr Victor Lasebikan’s murderous hospital. Murderers, that are merely striving to place the seal of Law on the means with which they would that I be murdered. Murderers, that are striving to waste my life — even as they wasted the lives of Bukola Sanda, and of Seye Sanda. Murderers, that never have anything better to say of the emasculated than…..
Murderers. You will not kill me. My life is not in thy hands.
My life is in the hands of my Creator.
I will earn a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Suffolk, and a doctorate from the Harvard University is following it.
Aima’asiko l’o ndamu eda.
Oro mi, l’Owo OLUWA
l’o wa.
- Ikoro Iyineleda; being,
The Football of The Century,
The Guinea Pig of The Century,
The Faith of The Less (Beta Faith),
The Truth Behind The Worship of The Creator.
19th of September, 2020.