When I think of the underprivileged that were fed by the late Aare Musulumi of Yorubaland (Alhaji Abdul-Azeez Arisekola-Alao) during his life-time, and I consider similar works of charity by the more privileged Moslems in Northern Nigeria — whilst all Christian pastors can do is buy jeeps and jets and build mansions of all sorts, whilst ignoring the less fortunate in their churches — then, I’m sorry to say, it’ll be advisable to speak against Christians. Even the notorious Lamidi Adedibu took care of the poor in Ibadan. All Christians do is feed on their tithes and offerings.
Those that refuse to rise against evil are as culpable as the evil, like so many others have said with all manner of different words. And the only reason behind the shame and the disgrace that is the ministry of Christ today is due to the fact that too many people worship their pastors too much to speak the truth.
Moslems are generally much more righteous than are Christians, and I say this out of bitter experience. And you all out there should testify also to this righteousness, and not to the ignominy that is Christianity. The lawlessness that has had me suffer in the hands of Christianity for over two decades led me to eventually renounce The Church. And I’ll advise you to do the same, rather than aiding and abetting the evil that is Christianity by refusing to “denigrate" Christians.
— Ikoro Iyineleda; June, 2022.