Ikoro Iyineleda
2 min readSep 21, 2024

Yoruba: Laughing fools, always full of their levity

Igbo: Thieving murderers

Hausa: Regal imbeciles

And that’s all there is to Nigeria.

PS: Honestly, the Yorubas are indeed a bunch of laughing retards! What do the fools always find so funny?!

Above is all that I placed on LinkedIn a couple of days or so ago, with the post-script added yesterday. A frank appraisal of the culture of the three major tribes of Nigeria. And then, it was removed — because, as far as LinkedIn is concerned, it goes against their “Professional Community Policies!”

Do tell me, please, is the removal of the words above not an obvious imposition of “Slavery Of Speech?” What are “Professional Community Policies” when I am being raped each and every day by the Yorubas and the Igbos in Nigeria, when I’m being stalked openly — with all the aid of radio and television stations and of public address systems, when my life is on a constant basis being openly threatened?! What are “Professional Community Policies” when I’ve been crying out on web-sites including LinkedIn, for over twenty years — with not one person lifting a hand to be of help, even after Eddie Adupeyi and my father were gruesomely murdered?!

Can a harmless man being openly attacked in Nigeria not raise a voice of “Save Our Souls?” Or is the web now only for those that have the power to protect their property with or without the aid of the Police?

My life is being openly monitored in Ibadan — with the aid of not only public address systems, but with the aid also of radio and television stations! My property — including valuable writings — is being openly plundered of me! The entire land of Ibadan and (most probably) beyond, is waging a war on me that has taken the lives of a friend and of a father! And yet, all because I pointed out the means with which Nigerians (most especially the Yorubas) either carry out or condone these viciously vile acts, my words are removed from LinkedIn! Is this not a shame?

LinkedIn should please try to understand that not all criticism has to be politically correct, and it can begin to do this by starting to speak out on behalf of a man that is being made a martyr in Nigeria, where he would have been made a saint in saner climes.

There can’t be any rising up to Save Our Souls where Slavery Of Speech is being imposed.

— Ikoro Iyineleda; 21st of September, 2024.

Ikoro Iyineleda
Ikoro Iyineleda

Written by Ikoro Iyineleda

writer, intellectual, chartered accountant - in view, consultant psychiatrist - in view, professor in Psychiatry - in the making.

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